Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm totally going to start blogging again. I actually may have time now. I quit my full-time engineering job two weeks ago and now I'm working 15 hours/week as a math teacher at an RTC. I've got ten students (all girls) and I teach Algebra I, Algebra II, and good ol' Geometry. I LOVE the extra time. Working FT with a kid is only for superwomen, and I quickly found out I'm not a superwoman. Kudos to those who are.

On a side note, "blogging" sounds like slang for "pooping." Just sayin'.

So today in class one of my students - a cute little blonde from Seattle - told me she's a lesbian. Then she revised: "Well, I'm mostly a lesbian but sometimes I like guys. I'm like a 90/10 split." I told her it sounds like she has commitment issues.

My leetle boy is the best. Most of the time. Today...not so much. I'm not sure if he's teething or what but he was a terror. Screaming, whining, crying, all of the above. Super clingy. Refused to nap. Waaaay fun. But I still love him to death. Seriously, sometimes I worry that I might smother him with all my love. He's the best. thing. ever.

K, now it's time for some dinner and relaxation. Sammy's asleep and Gavin's at a b-day part-ay for his brothers (Colin and Martin). I really just want to sit still, maybe watch some TV, maybe read a book (currently reading: "The Fountainhead"), maybe eat some raw cookie dough. Who knows? Or maybe since I still haven't lost that baby weight *ahem* I will do Pilates. Eck. Cookie dough from a tube sounds so much better.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you on here has been awhile! ;) You are going to love being at home more!
