Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm going to start blogging again. I miss it. I've been so busy for the past year that I just haven't made time. So....the past year. Still love my job, going to school for my Master's, trying to corral a super-cute 20-month-old, squeezing in time with my wonderful husband, went to Hawaii, went to Denver, won some awards. Busy busy busy. The biggest reason I want to start this blog again is to keep a record of Samson and his development. He says new thins and learns new things every day and I don't want to forget it. Just yesterday I was changing his poopy diaper and said, "P.U.!" He looked at me quizzically, then said, "P. Me!" He's so clever.

On the schedule for today is some outside time while it's cool, then church, then maybe a nap for all of us. My doctor has me on some new medication that totally makes me feel like I'm on crack. Well, I've never actually been on crack, but I imagine it would feel something like this. I didn't sleep much last night but I'm bright-eyed and busy-tailed (seriously, check out this tail!) this morning. Yeesh. Hopefully I'll be able to take a nap later.