Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm going to start blogging again. I miss it. I've been so busy for the past year that I just haven't made time. So....the past year. Still love my job, going to school for my Master's, trying to corral a super-cute 20-month-old, squeezing in time with my wonderful husband, went to Hawaii, went to Denver, won some awards. Busy busy busy. The biggest reason I want to start this blog again is to keep a record of Samson and his development. He says new thins and learns new things every day and I don't want to forget it. Just yesterday I was changing his poopy diaper and said, "P.U.!" He looked at me quizzically, then said, "P. Me!" He's so clever.

On the schedule for today is some outside time while it's cool, then church, then maybe a nap for all of us. My doctor has me on some new medication that totally makes me feel like I'm on crack. Well, I've never actually been on crack, but I imagine it would feel something like this. I didn't sleep much last night but I'm bright-eyed and busy-tailed (seriously, check out this tail!) this morning. Yeesh. Hopefully I'll be able to take a nap later.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I love my job.

I have only been at this job for about a month and I already feel like I've found what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. Teaching is SO rewarding, especially in such a one-on-one setting. I love these girls. Every single one of them. Today one of my students told me that I'm the best math teacher she's ever had. She was so excited because she has an A in my class. She said she has never got an A in a math class before and she can't believe that she understands Algebra now. (By the way, her A is totally deserved. She has worked very hard to bring up her grade over the past month and I don't hand out good grades.) It was so rewarding to hear that. Helping kids learn and expand their minds and feel good about themselves is awesome.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm totally going to start blogging again. I actually may have time now. I quit my full-time engineering job two weeks ago and now I'm working 15 hours/week as a math teacher at an RTC. I've got ten students (all girls) and I teach Algebra I, Algebra II, and good ol' Geometry. I LOVE the extra time. Working FT with a kid is only for superwomen, and I quickly found out I'm not a superwoman. Kudos to those who are.

On a side note, "blogging" sounds like slang for "pooping." Just sayin'.

So today in class one of my students - a cute little blonde from Seattle - told me she's a lesbian. Then she revised: "Well, I'm mostly a lesbian but sometimes I like guys. I'm like a 90/10 split." I told her it sounds like she has commitment issues.

My leetle boy is the best. Most of the time. Today...not so much. I'm not sure if he's teething or what but he was a terror. Screaming, whining, crying, all of the above. Super clingy. Refused to nap. Waaaay fun. But I still love him to death. Seriously, sometimes I worry that I might smother him with all my love. He's the best. thing. ever.

K, now it's time for some dinner and relaxation. Sammy's asleep and Gavin's at a b-day part-ay for his brothers (Colin and Martin). I really just want to sit still, maybe watch some TV, maybe read a book (currently reading: "The Fountainhead"), maybe eat some raw cookie dough. Who knows? Or maybe since I still haven't lost that baby weight *ahem* I will do Pilates. Eck. Cookie dough from a tube sounds so much better.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to our new blog!